Thursday 14 February 2013


ohhh so its valentine day today? okay all I can say is I feel pathetic because I'm single :/
My Valentines day may have been not so great, but one thing is for sure is that I realized I love myself. Being alone for this day isn’t all that bad because it just showed me that I honestly have to accept that you’ll be alone sometimes. And being alone, you tend to learn a lot about yourself. Instead of losing yourself for someone else, you just focus on you mainly. Although the day may be a reminder of why you’re single, why that one guy/girl dumped you, or an old love. It still can have a positive outcome. I realized today that I love myself. And in order to love someone else, you have to learn to love yourself. For all your flaws, for all your past experiences, hurts, etc. Knowing that you’re fine, you’re a good catch, that you are just the most amazing person ever without the assumed cocky attitude. And then, you can say “I am ready for love.” So for all you single people who were crying, feeling bad, sad, depressed, “life sucks”,“i’m flying s0lo”, etc. Remember to take this time or anytime to reflect on your life & that you don’t need anyone to complete you, and that love will come. May not be on your time, but sooner or later, you’ll see it, you’ll feel it, and you’ll fall in it. Just like the saying goes, You never know.” :)

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