Thursday 3 January 2013

2012 story :)

2012 is already end and I decided to create a post about what already happened to me in 2012 so here it is:
  • I had been selected to be chairman of the International Committee of the Red Cross, at my school..
  • daddy birthday party..
  • for the first time I organized a camping Renewal red crescent societies at my school
  • celebrate valentine days with him (ex boyfriend)
  • Hiking
  • His birthday. celebrated his birthday.
  • nothing happened
  • Celebrated Mother’s Day
  • My worst birthday ever. sweet 17.
  • not eat for four days because I was disappointed with him.. kinda funny.
  • still in a broken hearted mood
  • start missing him 
  • began to close with his ​​sister (avon n audrey)
  • still not in mood
  • still missing him
  • nothing happen

  • nothing happen

  • SPM!
  • missing him
  • began to close with his family
  • class party


  • A day with my friends♥
  • Finished 'SPM'
  • Christmas Party 
  • Survived the end of the world
  • Christmas with my family
  • praktikal for bsmm
2013- eighteen years old :))

I don’t know if it’s complete but this will do. Thank you 2012! You were amazing to me! I will never forget you. And for 2013, I hope you’ll be a better year for me :)
Thanks god for everything happened in my life you made me a stronger person.. :)

Dear 2012,
There were many ups and downs. Friends lost and gained. Studies hiccup and delayed success. Convictions betrayed, and constantly putting myself in situations that aren’t good for me. But then, slowly they became less frequent. Mistakes made, love found. I made some difficult choices and ended up hurting some people. I am sorry for that. But I believe if someone’s no longer in your life, it’s for a reason. And I learned that I neither have the power nor will to please everyone around me. Sometimes, you have to put yourself above others. Some people in my life are toxic, sometimes I’m the toxic. Sometimes, I treated people poorly. And there are people whose feelings I had taken for granted. I focused too much on whether or not someone is hurting me, when in reality I might actually be the one who’s hurting someone. After those setbacks, whoever’s left, they’re the ones that matter. But thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn life’s most important aspects; friendship, love, happiness and being true to yourself.

You made me cry, you made me laugh, but it’s time to 

move on :)

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