Thursday 3 January 2013

Let's make 2013 special!

Welcome 2013! :D Thank you God for giving me another year to live. It’s probably late but I’m still gonna do this anyway.
Forget new year’s resolutions. I would like to call this my new year’s wishes because first of all a resolutions is a goal. A goal is something that involves commitment. Commitment is making a promise. And I myself certainly does not approve of keeping a lot of promises for the doubt that they may get broken along the way as I may eventually give them lesser attention.
So here are my 2013 wishes:
  1. To blog more often but spend lesser time on the internet (especially in demoralizing social-networking sites) to do something more productive and creative.
  2. To keep a jar that is filled with all happy things that happened to me this 2013 written on small pieces of paper. 
  3. To keep in touch with my athletic side. I want to learn a new sport (or make myself better at sports because I officially suck at it) and I want to exercise more often. 
  4. To pay less attention on negativity. I need to be more optimistic and I need to remove my stressed.
  5. To discover more of my possible talents and abilities. :)
  6. To take more pictures.
  7. To travel more often.
  8. To get enough sleep everyday. Preferably at least 8 hours and a half.
  9. being single in this year
  10. To take down notes during Bible study sessions. :)
  11. Not to let myself get attached that much but I still need to do something with my human interaction skills (hello, I’m awkward). 
  12. To let go of the past. I need to face the truth—I’m not his anymore neither is he mine. I need to get less attached with him so he won’t be able to hurt me anymore. I must not waste time by thinking about him and feeling down just because it feels like he’s ignoring me. Well that’s probably because he doesn't care anymore and he is already happy without me. I shouldn't miss the people who don’t care about me anymore, right? 
  13. To make new awesome and good memories worth writing down and reminiscing. ♥
  14. make mum and dad proud of me.
  15. get driving license (otw)lol
  16. Do something with my life 
  17. get my dream body :D
  18. never get sick
  19. be happy
  20. stay strong
  21. travel somewhere new
  22. Ignore the bullshit
  23. Help who needs and let people help you too
  24. Study more! It sucks but it’s your future
  25. And the most important, LOVE.
But don’t forget: To love someone you need to love yourself first!
Cheers to another year of 365 days. I may not know what will happen and I wonder what possibly could but I know that I have to make the most out of it. I must try not to commit the same mistakes but instead learn from the old ones in 2012 and apply them this year. Most importantly, in all circumstances, in whatever trials I am put to test, I have to remember to always get a grip of the pieces of myself together and learn to stand resiliently and just trust God.

its a new year. move on and free yourself from the memories, forget that asshole who broke you. remember that there’s someone out there somewhere, waiting to fix you. give them the chance to show you that they’re different. ok. ♥

end. :)

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