Sunday 20 January 2013

Life after SPM :)

Finally I got something to write!
Hello readers! I'm back again, well nothing much thou I'm just trying to make my blog looks better by updating everyday (if possible) Hahaha! *evil smile* So... At this time, usually I'm already lying on my bed and ready to sleep. But nowadays, wait I mean the day before SPM starts. Those days I always stay at home and never go school right, yeah I can say that almost everyday I sleep late -.- So as you guys can see my dark circles is very dark & my eye bags is very heavy. What to do, I can't sleep that early anymore. I just can't sleep before 12am omg I must be crazy. D: 
So as you guys can see, this post is mostly about my life after SPM. To be honest, there's no difference between the life before SPM lah. It's still the same, rot at home everyday. Actually I wanted to go and look for some part-time job and actually I already found one but... The salary is too low and it's too far for my dad -_- He said too far already nobody can take care of me. OMGGGGG. You know how is the feel of rotting at home everyday?! You know how lifeless am I?! You know how bored am I?! You know I'm like talking to the wall everyday -_-; My gosh.No work = no money. Sit at home no income one leh hello! Alamamak!
And this is my current life? Life after SPM is even more bored you know... Haih. and now i'am busy with my driving lesson :) I got L alreadyy.. can't wait for the JPJ test and I hope I will past the test n got the P license :)

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