Friday 4 January 2013

let's talk about my crush :D

Here’s the story of me and my crush.
As all my followers are more like me besties, ‘cause they understand me a lot better than my real life friends, you all should know about my darling little crush :)

I might be single but I have a Crush. ♥ 

I’m starting to get a crush on this guy and I DON’T WANT TO. 
I know I’m going to end up disappointed and hurt. AND OMG I HATE FEELING LIKE THIS.
I've fallen for this Completely amazing man. He's smart, funny, handsome, and so extremely talented and the most important things is he's kinda annoying like me also and he's always be there when i'm down. hahaha! We talk almost every single day, and just hearing the sound of his message popping up on the screen to say hello brightens even my hardest,most awful days.Every day,I learn more about him and it makes me realize how alike we are, but It's also our differences I truly enjoy. The problem is, I don't know if he's interested in me romantically. Either way, I'm just so happy that I am able to know him.

ohhhh god i'm kinda in love with him :/  I've never been this close to anyone. asdfsfgaahk :/  but the truth is I still can't forget my ex. lol too bad.  never mind lets focus to my new crush :D I don't want to mention his name here. kinda annoying if I mention his name here.hahaha but his religion make me thinks twice -,-' I already told my girlfriend at school before about him and their said 'go lar tell him u like him' ahhh I don't want will u imagine your super duper best friend being your SUPERMAN? I mean special boyfriend.  He always be there when i'm sad... but sadly he also have a new crush.. ohhh I'm jealous you know.. andd yaa my handphone themes is his but i don't think to be his SPECIAL girlfriend. I just want to be his super duper best friend because i'm still waiting for someone and its not him..  ONE OF THE WORST THINGS THAT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU IS TO FIND OUT THAT MANY PEOPLE HAS A CRUSH ON YOUR CRUSH!  
and he always hit my "LIKE" button on my fb account and I like

Then when my crush is somewhere near me......

While he is still there : “K . I don’t care”

When he’s already gone : “OH YEAH! IT’S TIME TO BE 


LOL, I think you all pun like this ba kan .HAHHAHA

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