Thursday 6 December 2012

bye high school :'(

Today was my last day wearing school uniforms.
Now I'm officially out of high school,
I'm school-less now.
This situation happened five years ago,
Just that it's more emotional.
My last day in primary school was actually our graduation day.
So for today, sad < happy, because freedom is finally here. :DD

What will happen to us after today?
Will we still meet up and hang out?
Will we keep in touch or move on with our lives?

I remember when I just graduated from primary school,
We always have gatherings,
And what happens now is,
Everyone have their new gangs, new best friends, new hang-out buddies etc.
Lesser and lesser people attend our class gatherings,
Guess it's not that easy to really keep in touch with people you don't meet anymore.

Dear high school,

I hate you for so many reasons.


It's still a place where many worth-keeping 

memories were created.
Form 1:
Foot drill practices,
Sports Day,
meet the best friends O'rejenal.

O' R-ick, E-rika,J-amaica,E-stherina,N-ick, A-stralinda,L-lawrie

                                                                                              Form 2:

PBSM camp
be the top 10 students in sem2 exam for form2 student,,
play the glitter with classmates
take picture wif the classmates and more 
friend passed away.. RIP (NELVIN)
being single.

Form 3:

Sports day,
take picture.
result PMR - 3A4B 

Form 4:
Painted the class with classmates,
Messed up the class,
Clean up the class,
Slept during BM classES,
Escape class (for the 1st tyme)
take picture
fighthing with the best friends. hahha 

Form 5:
Starting to bring DSLR to school like a boss for school event purposes but actually took pictures in class with friends nyehehehe,
Co-curriculum days,
Independence Day celebrations,
being a group leader (BSMM)
And now, officially graduated from high school.

I crapped so much today. -.-

I'll remember my high school memories,
Just like how I still remember my primary school's. :)

Can we keep in touch forever?

best friends.. tapi where's melda?


its officially now!! jyeah! goodbye high school! FREEDOM ♥

I'm Gonna MIss my bsmm group :'(

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