Tuesday 4 December 2012


Do you know what I mean when I say that sometimes I don’t have any feelings or emotion? I’m not in a good mood, or bad mood. Neutral.
Sometimes, I just sit there by myself and think. I think about the things that happened in the past, what will happen in the future, and what could have happened. I think about a certain person, I think about what’s wrong with me and what’s wrong in my life, I think about how I can get myself out of this stage, I think about why I got here in the first place.
Also, I feel alone. The soothing sound of the midnight air doesn't seem to keep me company anymore. I just miss the days when life was simple and things weren't so complicated. I guess all of these are just part of growing up.
Whatever. I’m going to sleep. goodnight. GOD BLESS!

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