Thursday 13 December 2012

FOREVER? forever?

how many people in this world believe such a word ?
I know not me. 


is it really forever ? 
I don't think so. 

while I was blog walking , I saw this person say "I LOVE YOU FOREVER"
and I start to doubt . are they really gonna be forever ?

In my life , I don't use or apply FOREVER. 
I mean , wouldn't it hurt more when we keep saying forever while forever is nothing ?
best friend forever ? so what happen to my old friendship ? where did the "FOREVER" go ? 
I love you forever ? yeah ? you do ? so why did you leave me in the first place ? 

It hurt me now and then. 
It hurt damn so much. 
Oh pleasee ~ 
does forever really exist ? 
not just by word but by all the feeling in the world. 
sometime, even in marriage , its hard to keep the FOREVER. 

what the use of FOREVER when we will be separated ? 
what the use of FOREVER when forever is nothing ? 
I don't understand at all... 
when all the world say FOREVER...
is forever really going to be FOREVER like it was say ?
or forever is just a word to say ?
or forever is really nothing ? 
I don't get it.... 

It hurt me when FOREVER is NOTHING
It hurt me when FOREVER is really USELESS
It hurt me when FOREVER is just a WORD 
It hurt me when FOREVER is equal to OVER. 
so why ? 
why do people love to use forever ?
why do people believe it when it got nothing to believe ?
why do people are brave enough to say so ?
you sure know how to make me confused...

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