Tuesday 4 December 2012


Hello There! I just wanted to talk about something I've been seeing a lot on here. Every time I log on, I see a lot of people be sad, about how they are single, I’m not complaining, because I understand. I do the same too. I always think “Why can’t I have a relationship like that?” “Will I ever find the one?” “I want that”. And sure, being single can sometimes be a bit stressful seeing everyone around you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, and you,single. But just know, there is someone out there for you, as much as you hear it, and maybe you don’t want to hear all that “non sense”, but it’s true, there is someone wishing upon the stars, for a person like you. you will find that person one day, it may not be today, or tomorrow, or next week, or next year, but it will happen. And when it happens, you will realize, that all that wait, was totally worth it.,, 

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