Wednesday 5 December 2012

last day^^

All students look forward to graduating college or graduate school for years. Sometimes graduation day doesn't bring the sense of relief students expected. Some students feel a let down. Did you? How did you feel after graduating college or graduate school)? Was it as good as you expected?or feel bad?'s the last day of me being a smk tamparuli student...yup!! Believe it or not...TODAY WAS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL...haish...time flies super fast kan?? Kan?? yeah..obviously..everybody..was so sad..coz its the last day....seniors cried..hugged..and all...urm..  And then I also realized it was my last day wearing my perfect school uniform :( ahhh sad la tis :'( As I said, emotionally exhausting and just so confusing and I guess this is what growing up feels like? When you feel like you’re taking up a heavier burden although you’re technically leaving something behind. Or maybe that’s just SPM. thank you, our beloved teachers, especially those who taught us in Form Five, and all of you..and finally all my Form Five friends for giving me such wonderful memories these five years and also a heavy heart as I begin to take the first step out of this school..
and now I keep thinking 'what next? where to now?'.. erghhh.. I'm definitely going to miss this school..I have been down in the dumps because I'm gonna leaving the school. It is crazy because toward the end I kept saying I can not wait to be done with school. Now I am done and I feel like I lost a friend. . :(

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