Monday 10 December 2012

story about her (me)

You meet a guy, randomly start talking one day, he compliments you on everything he 

can: "you're beautiful" , "you're cute" etc.. He asks you about your past relationships, you 

tell him you've been hurt before; he says to you "I would never hurt you". You believed 

him. You tell him some funny life stories, he tells you his. He starts flirting and you start 

to think he's a really 

nice guy, you then flirt back. He asks for your number, you gave it to him straight away. 

Now, every morning he says good morning and tells you to have a good day and you two 

talk all night. The night conversations are ALWAYS the best. He always asks you if you're 

tired or if you want to go to sleep, but you say no and stay.. just to talk to him. Now, he 

wants to meet you, so you meet him and now that you have, you like him even more, you 

now get butterflies every time he talks to you. He then tells you he likes you. He asks you 

to be his girlfriend and you said yes. You feel like you're the happiest girl alive. It was all 

wonderful for a while, with all the 

passion and love, with all the "I'll never let you go" & "You'll always be the only one". 

Then one day he randomly stops talking to you and you are left wondering why. You know 

something has changed but you're confused, and you have no idea why. He stops putting 

effort in you and you become clingy and feel like a pest every time you even just text "hi" 

to him, you come to a conclusion that it's all your fault and he's mad at you for whatever 

you have done, so you ask him "Why don't you speak to me anymore? Have I done 

something wrong?" He just says 

"Sorry baby, I've been busy for my preparation here (KML)"

but he don't know that you know that he's busy texting with 

the girls name ermmmmm.. you just keep telling myself to 

keep calm 

until someone tell you about him and that girl..

so you let it go, but after days, after maybe weeks, he's still busy constantly. Every time you talk to him it becomes an argument, over the most stupidest things, you then stop putting the effort, thinking maybe he will change and become what he used to be. You just stop talking, weeks go by and you still haven't spoken. You then see he's in a relationship with some other girl.
He calls her "beautiful" and "pretty" exactly what he used to call you
. He's totally fine without you. He has already moved on and you're still mad, hurt, crying, jealous, and upset. You still hope that one day he will come back and everything will go to back how it was, but you know that will never happen, you now compare every other guy to him. He forgot about you a long time ago, and you still don't want to believe you got played, you're having a hard time letting go, but you have to. You need to realize that he doesn't care, and you could be missing out on someone who can't move on.. memory keep calling me :3

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