Thursday 13 December 2012

sometimes its hard to let people who we love go ~
sometimes its hard not to cry when you're tired of being strong ~
sometimes its not okay to say "its fine"

breaking up, dumping people, letting everything go ~
its not that easy ~

sometime heart breaker never mean to break any heart but they think it should just to protect their beloved one.
people let it go because they know it will hurt other more in the future.
people loving people doesn't mean that you have to with them.
Those who appear to be very strong in heart are really weak and most susceptible.
Those who spend their time protecting others are the ones that really need someone to protect them.

I am heart broken , again ~
and again , it is me who break it.
I have to break all the promises ~
I have to make it bitter , all the sweet thing ~
and again ,
I need to learn to be alone.
I need to learn to move on.
I need to learn to forget.
I need to learn to let everything go .
such a pain .

admitting everything like a fool ~
that is truly me ~

am sorry babe ~
now or never ~
it wouldn't hurt much compared in the future.
I try to end this .
I don't want you to hurt more

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